Self Hosted Services

Starting today (August 6), I'll start to provide services to the community. The number of services may increase in the future, but for now the following will be provided without any costs:

Private PasteBin

If you always wanted a way to send links, logs, big texts or even passwords this will be a solution for you. Powered by Pasty, you can now share your texts in private way. You can enable encryption and you will receive a unique link to share with anyone. The URL is random, so it's nearly impossible to guess. (e.g You can also delete your texts at any time if you create an account

  • Log policy: No logs
  • Expiration time for the texts: By default, never. You can set manually

Private YoutTube Frontend

If you are always watching YouTube videos like me, this will be really really really useful. You can now watch YouTube videos without passing your IP to YouTube and without being tracked by ads, cookies or javascript. A mobile experience is also available by using LibreTube. This private frontend is powered by Piped.

  • Log policy: No logs

Private Google

If you also keep using sometimes to search (because sometimes the other engines are not good enough), you can now use this site to search anything without exposing your IP to google. The site is also really lightweight and fast to load. It's powered by the amazing open source project Whoogle

  • Log policy: No logs

Private File Sending

If you want to send a big file to a friend and you don't want to use a big service like Google Drive/Dropbox, you can now use this site. It allows you to send files with a password and you can set the expiration time to some hours or some days. You can also delete the files at any time. This amazing platform is powered by Pingvin Share

  • Log policy: No logs
  • Default expiration time: 1 day
  • Maximum file size: 20GB
  • Encryption: No

Private Bookmarks

If you are tired of saving your bookmarks on browser, then this project may help you. This amazing platform is powered by NeonLink

  • Log policy: No logs

Private Messaging

Want to test a new chat platform? DataBag is for you! It's blazing fast, private and supports file sending.

  • Log policy: No logs
  • Messages: All kept on server, unless you delete it from your account. That is simply how DataBag works, I can't change that. For more privacy, use "Sealed channels" for end to end encryption

Final thoughts

Those services can all be used for free to increase your privacy. I'll keep all the services updated with the latest releases. I'm using those tools daily and I hope they can be useful for you too. Let me know if you have any feedback or ideas regarding the services. You can check the uptime for everything here:

Please also consider subscribing as a member of the site to receive updates and support my work. Even though all the projects used are free and open source, I still have to pay the servers to keep those services up.

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